Wednesday Golf..But wait there’s more!

Posted on: 10 August

Hello all,

This week after the rural and regional members were released from l…….n, ladies took the opportunity to race out of the house and get back on the course, masked up of course.

Once again, we were battling the wind and looking to the skies for the forecast rain. It held off thankfully.



25 Ladies in the Competitions on Wednesday and a few ladies having a social hit at the end of the comp.

19 Ladies made up the field in the 18-hole competition, and 6 finishers in the 12-hole comp.


Louise Ball won the day with an excellent 35, followed by Kathy Richards with 33.

Congratulations and well-done Louise.


The 12-hole winner was Jenny Malberg.


Upcoming events

The Pink Lunch is scheduled for Weds, September 29. This is an annual fundraiser for cancer. Please put the date in your diary. More details to come. Don’t forget to hunt out that pink dress-up accessory !


Do you want to play more golf ??


Alongside the Bowls and Interclub, the Red Folder in the Ladies Locker Room, contains hard copies of events (not Bowls), sent to us from clubs across Victoria.

Currently in the folder are events (mostly charity events), for the following Clubs; Heritage Golf and Country Club Chirnside Park, Kilmore GC, Keysborough GC, Settlers Run in Cranbourne, and Mornington Golf Club.


Magpies –  Swooping season is baaaaaackkkk !

Jacqui Nelson returned to the clubhouse wounded on Wednesday. Nothing to do with her golf game. She was swooped and the maggie hurt her. Aughh !!!  Hope you are ok today Jacqui.

Keep an eye out everyone and remember to wear your sunglasses during spring.


I’ve found plenty of suggestions online for protective head gear, here is a selection below including pasting big eyes on your helmet.


No news. I expect they will have tales of their long, long, journey home through western Qld and NT and SA, to avoid any contact with NSW.


Missing you

Angela Cordell is recovering well and hoping to be back at golf soon. Louise Le Lievre has had a short hospital visit but is doing very well and hoping to be back with us next week for lunch if out of lockdown. Linda Frew’s shoulder is coming along but not as speedily as she would like. She has just been given permission to putt and lift-up to one kg. A bit of work to do before returning  to golf. Best wishes to you all from all of us.



“Gisborne Community Care Foodbank”.

Place your item /s in the tub in the Ladies Locker room. Maryanne delivered our items on Wednesday afternoon to grateful thanks.


Happy golfing and cheers,

Jenny M


Jennifer Malberg



Gisborne Golf Club

Ladies Committee


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