Course Etiquette

  • Play “Ready Golf”. All players should be ready to play their shot as soon as possible. Players closer to the hole should play if the player farthest from the hole is not ready.
  • Players should not delay in calling through following players if searching for a ball or if you have lost your place in the field because of slow play.
  • Practising missed putts over again is not recommended during play. Remember those following behind.
  • All players should endeavour to move smartly between shots and minimise practise swings.
  • Mark your card OFF the green; preferably wait until the next tee. If you have the honour, hit first before marking.
  • Shouting or calling out loudly is discouraged, as voices carry and may distract players concentrating on their game.
  • Playing partners should not talk, move or do anything that may distract the attention of the player who is making a shot.
  • Apologise if you have committed a wrong, and accept an apology in the sportsmanlike manner in which it was given.
  • Be patient, tactful and pleasant and endeavour to assist those not as experienced in the game as yourself.
  • Buggies should be conveniently parked around greens to save time when moving to the next tee.
  • REPAIR DIVOTS Carry a sand bucket at all times. Cover divots holes with sand and press down.
  • REPAIR PITCH MARKS on the green.
  • REPAIR BUNKERS before leaving them and place the rake in the middle of the bunker with the head facing the same way as the hole is played. (Parallel to the direction of the fairway.)