Latest News & Upcoming Events

Fire Recovery Fundraiser

At 2:35am on the 17th April 2024, 17 CFA vehicles responded to a structural fire alert by local residents. By the time they arrived our colonial style Clubhouse was engulfed in flames and subsequently destroyed by the fire. Thankfully no one was hurt by the incident. 
The club and tight knit community have bound together to start the rebuilding process and ensure the club not only survives, but continues to be a social hub for the Macedon Ranges in decades to come. 
Donations to the rebuild are welcome via this official fundraiser page
Thank you for your support as we continually welcome golfers.  
Fundraising Link

New Clubhouse Architects Appointed

Following an extensive, detailed, and exhaustive selection process, Pop Architecture has been chosen as our preferred architect.  Work has commenced on the design and the first stage, Concept Design, is expected to be complete by the end of August. We expect to have commenced building in March 2025, with completion in 2nd Quarter of 2026.

These are very exciting times for the Golf club as we bury the memories of the devastating fire in the ashes of the past and look to the future. We are committed to becoming more than just a golf club – we are focused on designing a facility which caters for both our passionate members and the broader regional community.

Play at Gisborne GC

We welcome Green Fee players, Corporate and Social groups. 

Click here for details.

Become a Sponsor

The Club boasts in excess of 60,000 patrons and visitors who pass through our facility each year giving you thousands of business opportunities. Click here for details.

Become a Member

We offer several membership categories and there is no joining fee. Click here for details.

Use our Driving Range

Click here for full details.