Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee

Posted on: 7 April

Many club members do all they can to be in the best possible shape come the tournament season. Two male members had even taken to playing on Wednesdays in the traditional ladies competition. Often late Friday afternoon the same two members could often be seen catching a quick nine holes. Mr X is not usually afraid to name his sources but let’s just say a prominent female member with a low handicap with initials KP was quick to inform on her frequent playing partner Peter Kozicki.

As most would attest, Peter is a man of great knowledge on most subjects including golf, its rules and interpretations and is very generous in sharing this knowledge. His professional life also requires thorough planning and understanding of laws and regulations, so it was with great surprise that his 3rd round of this year’s Club Championships saw him being disqualified!   Apparently whilst playing with female member KP and her sister (who were playing stableford) Peter picked up his ball when the competition of the day was in fact Stroke. 

It’s nice to have mates.

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