Broadleaf spraying on tees has commenced

Posted on: 13 August


Today commenced the start of Broadleaf spraying for us with the arrival of the new sprayer yesterday,  of which l am very grateful for.

To note we will see some discoloration over the next 5-20 days upon we will start to the see the extent of the broadleaf weed invasion of our tee surfaces. The weather will dictate this timeframe. This is the first of two applications. The second application will take place approximately 10-14 days from now. Our verti-cutter heads should arrive next so I will verti cut tees to break up the waxy cuticle of majority of our target weeds, thus allowing for better uptake of the chemistry.  14 days after the second application we will begin to over seed and fertilise these surfaces. So by late September we will be seeing some significant growth and a solid strike rate on all seed varieties. Then moving forward we will run a bi monthly over seed on our par 3 tees.

The blend we developed for our tees/surround is as follows

20% browntop bentgrass

20% Pencross bentgrass

30% Shoreline slender creeping red fescue

30% Ruddy strong creeping red fescue


Any other questions that arise flick them through and I will answer them on


Dylan Knight

Course Superintendent

Gisborne Golf Club


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