Update of Drainage Outcomes 070522

Posted on: 7 May

As you may have seen we ran into a small speed bump with the drainage project.  The sand laid above the gravel surrounding the aggie pipe is washing away with heavy rainfall.  As a result, some sections of the drainage lines on the 7th and 12th have washed away resulting in an unsafe surface.  

In some instances, the washout is not visible and can only be found when stepping on the affected area. The impacted area is estimated to be less than 5% of the total length of the drainage lines.

Our plan is to repair the affected area when we receive the new materials and we will organise more working bees when we have an expected delivery date on materials.

This may take another few months to get right. Until the repairs are done on each hole, the 7th will be played as a Par 3 and the 19th will be in play instead of the 12th.

No doubt some tough lessons have been learned and some more work is left to be done but the process will be improved in the future as a result and the drainage will ultimately be a success.

GGC Course

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